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VAR Grade Fixes in 2.03


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This page lists the fixes to previous versions of VAR Grade for Windows.  We recommend updating to the latest version of the program whenever you can.  Updates are done at irregular intervals.

Current version: 2.03.5 (dated 11/13/99)

Version 2.03.5:


Writing User task total points by student sometimes gave the wrong value (if there was a subtraction in it).

Version 2.03.4:


Ranks and percentiles problem fixed if more than one section in the class.

If there were more than one section, then the class changed to one section, sometimes the students in the (only) section wouldn't be shown.

Version 2.03.3:


Printing IDs from the right actually printed from the left.

When viewing completion dates for tasks, sections displayed nonsense dates instead of nothing.

Update installation program asked for a password when it shouldn't have.

Version 2.03.2:


Incomplete grades were sometimes assigned a withdrawal.

Error if no printer was installed.

Vocational grading: Error in task dates if the year was over 1999; If entering data by student and the task date was changed, the student's score wasn't recalculated.

Version 2.03.1:


First cutoff for a Final task wasn't listed in View task definitions.

Wrong section shown if non-contiguous section numbers and click section tab at bottom of Class data entry window.

In Write individual data, percentages weren't aligned correctly in columns.

In plotting histograms, the high score wasn't printed if it had a decimal.  It was included in the listings and calculations.

Pasting scores higher than the max points of a task weren't checked.

Importing from a file opened in Excel caused an error message since Excel doesn't close files that are used in the program.

Screen problem when viewing progress.frm ([twoperpage] command).  This was a problem only on scree, not for printing.

Version 2.03:


Emailing data to students caused a font not found error.   Fixed in Mailer.exe.

(Version 2.03 without this fix was dated 1/3/99)

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Last modified August 04, 2010